Saturday, July 26, 2014



     TAKE notice urgent call for execution on the Carino-V-Township of Belleville NJ, Esx-L-6596, upon which, the presiding judge

Francine A. Schott of the Essex county Court NJ  have favored Carino with the State Order of Writ of Execution dated March 2012 is never

been followed. Advocate Brown have

answered Carino in her question posted in the Yahoo Questions and Answers as to how to get help in the execution of the Writ. Advocate

Brown wrote back and said to go back to the judge. Carino went to enter in the courtroom of Judge Schott, but a Sheriff is told to let Carino

leave from the courtroom.  To Carino this is an insult. If an advocate advise her to see the judge, then,  what is next to happen if Carino is

rejected to see the Judge Schott.  SO PLEASE THIS IS A VERY URGENT CALL FOR JUSTICE  so that this very stressful living in FORMA

PAUPERIS  and obvious violations to Carino's  Civil Rights to the 4th and 5th Amendment of the U.S.C. can get attention back to Judge

Schott.  Whomsoever can extend its benevolent help to stop the mental tortures and anguish of the poor defenseless Carino family which it took

over 11 years fight for justice alone for the fact Carino  is under surveillance(CCTV installed in front of  Carino's front exit door) by its

adversary  is the cause of Carino representing its own fight for justice by the rejections of over 50 lawyers who said it is not worth its life and

safety of its family. No words are enough to express Carino's appreciations and gratitude but its simple thank you to you readers.

     Retired Pharmacist and Medical Technologist
71 Franklin Street, Belleville,  NJ 07109

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Freedom From Oppression Motion for Clarification address to district court of clerk Mr. W.T. Walsh @ 50 Wallnut Street Newark,New Jersey 07102



For what reason anomalies appeared in the dispensing of justice

For what reasons anomalies appeared in the dispensing of Justice?

TAKE NOTICE that this is a report to the attention of Judge Glen Grant, N.J. Court Administrator of the N.J. Superior Courts, of what is going on in the Superior Court Essex County courthouse in the dispensing of Justice to the Carino's Civil Case ESX-L-6596-09 noted down on the following counts of Discrepancies:
1 The Court Clerks who handle Carino's case, seems to control the case, so that Carino discovered its behavior to be in contradiction to what the actual happenings in the Motion Hearing set Dec. 18, 2009 as caught in the Audio Tape of court Records so that in the Motion of Carino, it was found out by the presiding Judge Francine A. Schott that the Township of Belleville, NJ should NOT have sold the Tax Sale Certificate of Carino's 81 Lake Street to a realtor, David Atkind of the Atkind Realty of Rutherford, NJ because this property is found to be together with 79 Lake Street in One Title and in One Deed! The Judge was heard to mention that she CAN NOT find in any reference book, that one can sell on one but not in the other for both are in one item together! Despite of Carino's ignorance to the Law of the Real Estate Land Use was violated, still Carino exerted efforts to pay for such debt, but, it was rejected, only 79 Lake Street was accepted! Was the acceptance of 79 must have been the payment of the whole Title & Deed? Was Carino paying extra taxes in the past from it was bought in 1981 to the date this case is opened by Carino in ignorance to that above law? What is going on, there is a need to know, please, Sir! Please do something what is going on! Whoever will have anything of help from the readers who maybe kind of expert in the Real Estate Land Use that is some Lawyers especializing in the real estate law to please come up with a solution in order Justice will not be called to ask as " Is Justice is injustice?"
2. The Court Clerk of Judge Schott entered erroneous information in the Computer Court Record System, so that if any one will ask for its final decision, either it is recorded by these clerks as DENIED and or CLOSED CASE! Therefore, the TRUE oral decions read out by the Judge in the actual hearing is now in CONFLICT of what the Court Clerks action of entering WRONGFUL INFORMATION in the court system is not acceptable, being an abuse on the Bench! How could this happen, is an oversight of the Judges exists, why such vital documents of court records be tampered by these Clerks left unnoticed by the judge?? Is there corruption in the Superior Court House? Remember Carino's adversary is suspected to be having connection with a mob! This falsity is misleading, to anyone or even you, yourself, sir or any reader of this message in open public view, do you think , if, not reported by the offended party(Carino), would you accept it? Do court Benches inspected for efficiencies regularly? Is it not your Office Sir, or anyone concerned citizen to offer its civil duty, will see to it that Justice is not tampered nor be done in miscarriages? Does this not sound the power of Money one will think for the detestable behavior of these clerks? WHY IS JUSTICE SO ELUSIVE?
3. Please your Honor, or any one civil concerned citizen let Justice ring in everyone's heart for what one does when left alone and no one is watching, there is this Silent Partner looking on everyone's action and such one's Silent Partner controls one's own destiny!
4. If these Judicial Glitches is NOT corrected on time, the ELEVEN years of Carino's fight for Justice, would anyone allow to add more and more of such sufferings in ill-health, of torturous sleepless nights in those 2 times Carino's electricity and gas were cut off from its insufficient social security funds, adding financial disaster from the lost of 81 & 79 house rents income to a realtor, David Atklind?

CONCLUSION: Why was the order of Carino for a Writ of Execution which is still within the time limitations be ignored, is it of these corruptions of the court clerks, the judges don't even know it?
Your benevolent action, Sir, and or from anyone readers of this Yahoo! Answer is highly appreciated and valued by the Carinos! Thank you, Sir and to every readers of this desperate cry for Justice! Thank you!

I CERTIFY the statements made by me are true. If I willfully state any false statement, I am aware I can be punished.

Respectfully submitted by:

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


my comment to the white house

 Your message was received via e-mail about asking me what I think of the White House. This is what I observed: You are able to write messages to reach me, but why is it Rosalinda is not able to make a report about corruptions of our local official government in the abuse of the Real Estate Land Use Law, upon which the United States District court, NJ have obstructed justice by its court clerks by opening and returning back to Carino its documented positive evidences and its briefs on Carino's o5-5042(WGB) Carino -V- Township of Belleville which would  constitute possible  presence  of bribery for it is irrational for one to such action of pilfering which was addressed to the Chief Judge and its chief court clerk. Why would the White House ignored such civil right violation report, then would you expect me to response of what you want me to do? For me it is an insult to one who is  desperate for justice to get an answer and be asked what I think of the White House. I think it is everyone's civic duty to reach out and get answer for what the intention was directed to be done. Please, if this time no response to the cry for justice on Carino's civil right protection, then, you might as well remove me from your communicaion. It was a good try! Thank you!
Respectfully submitted:
Rosalinda O. Carino



Rosalinda Carino is a victim of a political abuse. Being of Asian decent altho naturalized U.S. CITIZEN, the Law of Real Estate Land Use was disregarded by the Township of Belleville, NJ 07109, upon which tax sale certificate should not be sold if 81 was together with 79 both  in one title and one deed. This new discovery was heard in the audio transcript of court record presided by the NJ Superior Court Judge, Judge Francine A. Schott, on  case EsxL-6596-09 Carino-v Township of Belleville, on Dec, 18, 2009, upon which, the judge made a statement that this  judge can not find in any reference book that one, 79 Lake Street  is accepted to pay for its tax debt while that of  81 is rejected. Although the Carinos was not aware of the abuse, still Carino exerted efforts to pay for 81 Lake, but was rejected. It is therefore put in circulation for notification to any one who  maybe interested to represent Carino on the case ES-L 4201-10 of the Essex County Courthouse on CARINO-V- ATKIND REALTY- DAVID AND MARSHA ATKIND,GROUP CLASS ACTION. Anyone who may recommend an expert in the Real Estate Land Use Law will be given 2% of the sought amount of 25M if it will lead to bring justice to the Carinos. You may contact Rosalinda at 01163-82-296-0002 while she is still in Davao City to take care of personal problem. In the event she returns to New Jersey, her contact no. is 862-368-6793 back in Belleville. Thank you for your time reading my blog. /S/ROSSALINDA CARINO